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Updated on 4 Jul 2021

Why the Need for Guidelines?

These guidelines are not meant to prescribe an action for every situation; many of these things should be common sense to us. And perhaps we are clear on our own motives for serving, and our consciences are clear, but these guidelines are to protect volunteers from being put into compromising situations. At the heart of these guidelines is to ‘do no harm, do good, and stay in love with God’.


  • Must not abuse the privileges and standing associated with their official role in church for self-gain or sexual intimacy; 

  • Must not foster dependency or subservience on themselves, instead they should encourage collaboration and be accountable to others for their actions and whereabouts;

  • Be objective and fair in dealing with each person, refraining from taking sides or practising favoritism;

  • Disclose whenever a potential conflict of interest arises, and take the appropriate actions to eliminate the conflict


  • Treat everyone with respect, loyalty, patience, integrity, courtesy, dignity, and consideration 

  • Dress, act and speak sensitively; 

  • Must not engage in physical, psychological, written, or verbal harassment, including but not  limited to: racist and sexist remarks, sexual comments or advances, display of offensive materials 

  • Exercising sensitivity and caution with regard to the physical and emotional space others  require in pastoral encounters, especially if it can cause confusion about the nature of the relationship between giver and receiver; 

  • Avoid any form of over-familiarity or inappropriate language; be mindful of conversations via apps that hide or do not store interactions, such as Snapchat, live streaming and Telegram secret chats; 

  • Respect and maintain the confidentiality and dignity of each person, especially in sharing content on social media

On Behalf of Others

  • Report (to the church first, then to the civil authorities if the need arises) if anyone reveals information that is a threat to themselves or to others; 

  • Report inappropriate behavior of the persons or of other volunteers 

    • In line with the theological values of truth and charity, persons who make such 
      reports should be protected from reprisals or victimization for reporting 

    • This is not to create an environment of suspicion, but to prevent abuse 

  • Undergoing training to increase personal and group skills, awareness, and to promote good 

Conduct with Young Persons and Mentally Handicapped Persons

  • Use a team approach when handling youth activities or pastoral care to protect all persons from the appearance of impropriety and from all risk of harm

  • Refuse and refrain from giving special treatment to anyone, including but not limited to expensive gifts and other special favours 

  • Must not humiliate, ridicule, threaten, use profanity, or be under the influence of alcohol or drugs while serving 


Updated on 4 Jul 2021


这些指导方针并不是要为每种情况规定一种行动;其中许多事情对我们来 说应该是常识。也许我们很清楚自己为何想侍奉,而我们也问心无愧,但这些方针是为了保护志愿者不被置于尴尬而进退两难的处境。这些指导方针的核心思想是“不伤害他人,做好事,并与上帝保持爱的联系”。


  • 不滥用在教会中的公务角色相关的特权和地位,以获取私利或性亲密; 

  • 不助长他人对自己的依赖或屈服,相反的,应鼓励协商,并为自己 的行为和去向对他人负责; 

  • 客观公正地对待每一个人,不偏袒任何一方或徇私舞弊; 

  • 当出现潜在的利益冲突时,及时揭露,并采取适当的行动消除冲突。


  • 对每一个人都以尊敬、忠诚、耐心、正直、礼貌、维护尊严和体谅的心态对待人; 

  • 衣着端庄、敏锐自己的言行; 

  • 不得进行身体、心理、书面或口头骚扰,包括但不限于:种族主义和性别歧视言论、性评论或性骚扰、展示冒犯性材料;

  • 在牧养服侍的时候,对被服侍者所需要的身体和情感空间保持敏感和谨慎,特别在可能产生混淆给予者和接受者之间的关系性质的情况下;

  • 避免任何形式的过度熟络或不恰当的语言;注意那些经由能隐藏或不存储对话的应用程序的交流,如通过 Snapchat、直播和 Telegram 的秘密聊天; 

  • 尊重并维护每个人的隐私和尊严,尤其是在社交媒体上分享的时候。


  • 如果任何人透露了对自己或他人构成威胁的信息,应举报(首先向教会,必要时才向有关当局举报); 

  • 举报相关人士或其他志愿者的不当行为 

    • 根据真理和仁爱的神学价值观,举报者应受保护、不当因举报而受到报复或伤害, 

    • 这不是为了制造猜疑的环境,而是为了防止滥用; 

  • 接受培训,以提高个人和团体技能、意识,并推广良好的方法。


  • 采用一个服侍团队方式来处理青少年活动或进行牧养,以保护所有的人免受不正当行为举止的误解,以及避免所有受伤害的风险; 

  • 拒绝并避免给予任何人特殊待遇,包括昂贵的礼物、其他特殊优惠等等; 

  • 侍奉时不得羞辱、嘲笑、威胁别人,不许亵渎或在受酒精或药物的影响下进行服侍。 

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