Discipleship and disciple making is mostly done at small group level where there can be close mentoring and personal accountability. At small group level edification, evangelism and accountability is practised in the context of weekly or bi-weekly sessions using the weekly sermons as materials for discussion.
Scriptural, guided primarily by the Bible
Relational, in an environment of intimate relationship with Christ and with one another in the small group
Sequential, start from where they are & help them grow step-by-step towards perfection in loving God and loving others.
Reproducible, help them to transfer what they have experienced and learned to others, and so replicate the disciple-making process.
* Adopted from Methodist Disciple Framework
The framework below is used as a roadmap in the development of members from believers to mature Christians. Knowledge / content on the various stages in the development is provided in the courses, seminars and workshops run by D&N. The general learning objective and target audience is also stipulated in the framework.