2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV) says,
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
4 ways to give:
By Scan & Pay QR CODES :
Step 1: Save QR code to your photos gallery by taking a picture on your phone OR screen shot QR code on your phone.
Step 2: Go to your banking app:
DBS banking app, click on “Scan & Pay”.
POSB banking app, click on “Scan & Pay”.
OCBC Pay Anyone app, login to your account first. Click on “Import”.
UOB QR Pay app, login to your account first., click on “Select from device”. -
Step 3: Under “Photo Library”, search for the QR code that you would like to give/donate to.
Step 4: Upload the QR code from your phone to complete your transaction.
By CHEQUES : Payable to "Charis Methodist Church"
Tithes & offering:
Drop your cheque at the Quick Cheque Deposit at any POSB/DBS Bank with DBS acc # 027-011804-6 written at the back of cheque.
Church re-development fund:
Drop your cheque at the Quick Cheque Deposit at any UOB Bank with UOB acc # 364-324088-0 written at the back of cheque.
Tithing & offering:
DBS Bank (Account no. 027-011804-6) / UEN No : S89CC0696A
Church re-development fund:
UOB Bank (Account no. 364-324088-0)
By PayNow to UEN
UEN No : S89CC0696A4
Entity : Charis Methodist Church